Friday, July 25, 2008

Braves at Turner Stadium

Over the 4th weekend we took a trip to Atlanta with Josh & Lindsey, Kevin & Pam, and Daniel & Heather to see the Braves play the Astros. The game a little disappointing, they lost and Chipper had a not so good night, but the atmosphere was 2nd to none.
Sunday we did a little exploring in downtown Atlanta and visited the "New World of Coke," much better than the first one if I do say so myself. If you ever get a chance to go make sure to go to the 4-D theater. The seats move and wind blows and you get poked and everything. It was really neat. Not to mention that coke tasting...over 64 different coke products from around the world. I tried a few, but I think I'll just stick to my Sprite Zero and Fresca. Steve, tried a few more than I did, but I think he's satisfied with just plain Coke. Daniel on the other hand tried all 64.


The Ruffins said...

SO GLAD you finally updated! I'll be in Columbus on Sunday. I'll call you and come by one afternoon. Can't wait to catch up!

Tiffany said...

hey mrs.prevost!! this is tiffany bohon from school. have a great rest of the summer!