Thursday, May 3, 2012

We Forgot

You know you love someone when you can't remember your life before they came in to it. That's how I feel about my Steve. Maybe it's sappy, maybe I'm just a star struck girl who is googly eyed over my handsome red head, but to me it's love, real L-O-V-E, love. I have memories as a single person, but I don't remember what life feels like with out him. He is my best friend, my shoulder, my sounding board, my laughter, my carpenter, and more often than I would like to admit he is my sense of reason. 4 years ago, Steven Lee Oglesby, became my husband. 4 years ago today, I became a little less selfish. 4 years ago today I became a wife. 4 years ago today, I started the rest of my life. Steve, thank you for knowing all of me, and still loving me.

Now on to the realities of marriage and the funny/sunny side of life: Steve and I both realized Monday that today was our anniversary only because a dear friend sent an anniversary card. Yeah, life is busy. What's a good wife to do? Well, I'll tell you. You look lovingly in to your husbands eyes and say, "Honey, I love you but I forgot about our anniversary and I have nothing for you." At which point in time he will probably smile, look lovingly in to your eyes, breathe a sigh of relief and say, "Honey, I love you too, but I don't have anything for you either." Now that's love. Happy anniversary Stevie Lee!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Blubbering Whale

Dearest readers,

I have officially returned to my place of employment this week.  I thought I was ready, but I. Was. NOT.  I almost made it out the door and I lost it.  COMPLETELY!  The look on the husband's face said "Oh no, I think she may have just gone over the deep end."  I have realized that I love my job, but I love my child WAY more.   In saying this I have not forgotten nor forsaken my faithful few.  But it may take a little time to adjust to being back at work for me to figure everything out.  I have little man's 2 & 3 month update written but just haven't gotten around to posting pictures.  I will attempt to get that up this weekend, but am making no promises.  The husband is on night shift so my nights are about taking care of necessities and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be soaking up the rays of my beautiful boy's sunshine-y face every moment he's awake this weekend.  I love you all and hope to show you some super sweetness pretty soon.

But in the meantime my crock-pot and me are going to continue to strengthen our relationship and I'm going to keep pinning to my pinterest board during little man's feedings that I'll probably never get to.  Thanks Haven for this new addiction.

Have a good daisy!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mine are Better Than Yours

My friends, well, they're the best. Hands down, no competition. You heard me right, the B-E-S-T.

For the 2nd week in a row little Hughes has gotten a package. This week Auntie Alyssa and Sawyer sent us this book.  Now, having good friends isn't about getting packages in the mail, but it just makes you feel special to know they are thinking about you even when you're not there.  Auntie Alyssa has helped me keep my sanity throughout my pregnancy and the first months of Hughes' little life.  So thankful to have a Nurse Practitioner as a best friend.

Last week Auntie Haven sent Hughes a Valentine's happy mentioned in a previous post.  Haven is one of those friends that always calls at the right time and offers encouragement and an ear to unload on.  She's also usually got some creative project going on and is usually good for a recipe or two.  You can check her out over here.

So back to this weeks package...I love books, and want to start a Caldecott collection for little man and this one is perfect! I especially like the "old" look of the illustrations and I just think little old men are the cutest, and Amos just happens to fit the description.

Thanks Alyssa from both of us!
Amos is a cute little old man who works at the zoo.  One day he is sick, so the animals take the bus to take care of him. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Do Not Worry About Tomorrow

This post is all about being real, documenting our little families "history" so to speak.  Have you ever had one of those days you wish you could erase, have a do over in hopes that maybe you could do something to change the outcome of the day?  Well, we had one of those days December 13th.  That was my last day of work before Hughes made his arrival and Steve's birthday.  Steve was getting ready to go to work and someone on day shift called and said that the plant had just been bought out and would be closing.  WHOA, major shock factor here!

This buy-out was totally unexpected for us, in fact, he had just been given a raise not 2 weeks before.  It was exactly what it was, a good business deal that couldn't be turned down.  So our immediate reaction was to freak out, but as we learned more and had time to think about the situation rationally we feel very much at peace about the situation.

In the midst of the fear, we really feel like, under the circumstances, we have the best possible scenario considering the circumstances.  The plant isn't immediately shutting down, but will fulfill all orders that had been placed which could take up to 12-15 months.  Many who lose their jobs in similar circumstances aren't given the luxury of having time to find a new job.

While Steve loves his job and those that he works with, the hours are long.  12hr shifts daily are really hard when you have a young family.  We all miss out on a lot of time that we would rather be spending together.  So we are praying that this opportunity to look for a new job will provide a more "family friendly" schedule.  We think we have a found somewhere that will be perfect for our families needs and hope that it will work out.  If you are reading this we ask that you pray for our family in this uncertain time.  We have put our faith in God's plan for us and know that things will be better than ever!

Have a good daisy!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day

So there was a ring at the door bell this morning, and of course I was looking a hot mess, but it was a sweet little delivery for our Hughes from Mimi & Papaw. We also got a little package in the mail from aunt Haven! Hughes says thanks to all for making his first Valentine's Day so special!

Have a good daisy!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Bless Him

Once again, I'm behind :/. Story of my life these days! I really do have a legitimate excuse this time. My little bud-bud has been sick. We took him to the doctor Friday and came home doing breathing treatments. Anyhoo, he's on the mend and I'll get a 2 month update posted hopefully before 3 months gets here.

Have a good daisy!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I'm 1 month (almost a month late)

So friends, we've all made it to 1 month of life for our very handsome little man!  An accomplishment for all if you ask me.  The rest will be a piece of cake right?  Yeah, that's what I thought.  Anyhoo...going to record a few memories for my little Hughes that you're more than welcome to share with us if you'd like.  You'll have to forgive me for posting, well um almost a month late.  In my defense, I have had the post written for about 3 weeks, just haven't uploaded pics, and there are a lot of those.  I just couldn't choose, so prepare yourself for some serious cuteness...SERIOUSLY!    So grab a cup o' joe and get comfy ;)
My first picture, I am a BIG boy!

My first day in the world

Big Yawns

Aunt Abby & Me

My Annie giving me some lovin'

Daddy can't get enough of me.  Can you blame him?

Getting ready to leave the hospital

My sister, Marigold, checking on me

Dressed up in my camo, hoping to give Daddy some good luck (it didn't work)

Aunt Lou & cousin Allie Rose (cousin Aaron was being a busy body)

MiMi comes to check on me

The Night before Christmas

Christmas Day

Mommy made me take this picture ;)  Headed to Annie & Gray's so Mommy and Daddy can get groceries

My first trip to the Doctor...90th percentile in length and 50th percentile in weight!

I usually give my mommy closed-eye smiles after I eat

Fish face <><

My daddy can't wait to get home everyday to snuggle with me

What you talkin' bout Willis?

I like to be snuggled up in my bouncer or swing

I'm a thinker 
Sweet dreams after I fill my tummy 

Mommy likes to give my toes kisses 
I'm very verbal ;)

Me & My Gray 

I like to make lots of faces (I get this from my mommy)

Little Hughes,

This has been by far the best and most rewarding month of our lives (your daddy's and mine), and well, probably the most tiring month too :)  You are still the most beautiful little boy ever, with the most perfect complexion.  I'm not making this up because I'm you're more than proud mom, everyone that meets you says so.  You are a very content little baby, usually only fussing when you need something.  Although there have been a couple of days when you have been a little less than content.  Aunt Alyssa says it's normal, so we're taking her word for it.

We're still not sure what color your hair is, partly because well there is lack thereof, but it seems to look different in every kind of light.  I'll love you know matter what color it is but I still have my fingers crossed that it's red ;)

You have the most precious little cry, it almost sounds like the soft squeal of a baby puppy.  You really only get cranked up when we change your diaper, but you're starting to tolerate that a little better.  Mommy and daddy are getting a little better at changing it.  You shot us when we changed your very first diaper...first-timers!

You seem to change a little every day and you are slowly but surely growing out of your newborn clothes.  I tried to tell myself that the first few must have shrunk in the dryer, but I'm pretty sure I'm just in denial.  I'll get over it, don't worry.  You're still in newborn diapers, kind of.  They're getting really snug, but the 1's swallow you whole!

You're a really good eater and eat about every 3 hours, and sometimes at night you'll even wait 4-5 hours before you need to eat again.  And about that sleep's impossible for you to sleep soundly at night without being swaddled.  You are quite the wiggle worm and you startle yourself with all that moving you do.  Your daddy usually gets you when you wake up and changes your diaper and swaddles you back up and brings you to me so you can eat.

You and your daddy are super tight!  He hardly put you down the first week of your life.  Now that he's back at work he can't wait to get home every night to see you.  You too are making an indention on the couch where you hang out at night.  I hope you'll always be this close!

You're dying to be a big boy I think.  You started trying to hold that sweet little head up on your own at about 2 weeks.  You are awake and alert a lot more, and quite by accident (your's actually) we found that you like to lay on your back and wiggle to your little hearts content.  Mommy makes you have your tummy time everyday too.  You are moving that head from side to side.

My favorite time with you is right after you've finished eating are in that milk-induced coma like state.  You almost always make these very content smiley faces after you're good and full.  Of course, I hover over you with my phone waiting for one of those sweet smiles so I can post it on Facebook for all the world to see (daddy says I should control myself with the picture posting, I think he's just jealous).

You, to our surprise, love bath time.  We started with sponge baths, which you hated, but now that your cord has fallen off we've moved you to a big boy bath and you were so calm and relaxed...whew!  You started your life despising diaper changes, screaming bloody murder during the whole thing, but now you have calmed down a little.  You usually only fuss during diaper change if you're super hungry and want us to get on with it so you can eat.  Just like your daddy, always thinking about your next meal.

I know I'm leaving so much out, it has been a very exciting month.  You've had your first Christmas, New Year's, Doctors visit (75-90th percentile in heigth and 50th percentile in weight) and we just found out that you are going to be a big cousin!  Aunt Lou is going to have #3, and we couldn't be more excited.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

You Might Be the Parent of a Newborn Top 10

Dearest Blogger Friends,

Please forgive me for my recent absence.  I've been taking care of this little man.  Ain't he just the cutest thing you've ever seen.  My Aunt Nancy says he's the most beautiful baby she's ever seen.  I just happen to agree.

Anyhoo, as a new mom I've learned a lot and very quickly.  Somedays are a little stressful, but most are pure joy.  As you know, Steve & I like to keep a good sense of humor about life so we have made another top 10 list...hope you enjoy!

You might be the parent of a newborn if...
1.  You, at some point, have greeted each and every hour of the day.
2.  You can fall asleep in pretty much any position known to man.
3.  Your schedule is made around a small being's feeding schedule.
4.  You think your child is the most beautiful that ever was or is to come.  
5.  You no longer are of importance to your parents...just pass over the kid folks!
6.  You look lovingly in to your spouses eyes and both agree that its ok to look like a hot mess, you have a newborn!
7.  You may or may not have been peed and pooped on by your child (not to mention possibly having scrubbed the walls a couple of times after target practice from little man).
8.  You have seen what you believe to be about 95% of all infomercials ever made.
9.  You can no longer go to sleep without the soft noise of your infants soothing sounds lamb. (we prefer the gentle crashing of the waves)
10.  You begin cooking your supper at lunch so that you make sure to have it finished between feedings.

I could go on, but for the sake of keeping it to 10 I'll stop.  Do you have any memories of caring for a newborn?  What would have made it to your top 10?

I've got a few more posts to catch up on, hope to get them up soon....stay tuned for more!

Have a good daisy friends!