Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mine are Better Than Yours

My friends, well, they're the best. Hands down, no competition. You heard me right, the B-E-S-T.

For the 2nd week in a row little Hughes has gotten a package. This week Auntie Alyssa and Sawyer sent us this book.  Now, having good friends isn't about getting packages in the mail, but it just makes you feel special to know they are thinking about you even when you're not there.  Auntie Alyssa has helped me keep my sanity throughout my pregnancy and the first months of Hughes' little life.  So thankful to have a Nurse Practitioner as a best friend.

Last week Auntie Haven sent Hughes a Valentine's happy mentioned in a previous post.  Haven is one of those friends that always calls at the right time and offers encouragement and an ear to unload on.  She's also usually got some creative project going on and is usually good for a recipe or two.  You can check her out over here.

So back to this weeks package...I love books, and want to start a Caldecott collection for little man and this one is perfect! I especially like the "old" look of the illustrations and I just think little old men are the cutest, and Amos just happens to fit the description.

Thanks Alyssa from both of us!
Amos is a cute little old man who works at the zoo.  One day he is sick, so the animals take the bus to take care of him. 

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