Thursday, December 8, 2011

38 weeks and About To POP!

So my belly just about covers up the entire tree...hmmm!

So it's been a while since I've updated, feeling a little guilty but life has been so busy.  We are trying so hard to get ready for Hughes' grand entrance.  Plus the pregnancy brain kicks in and I forget to have husband over there take the weekly picture, without a picture it's hard to make myself write the post.  Anyway enough with the we are at 38 WEEKS!

How Far Along: 38 weeks
Baby Size:  Watermelon, ultrasound this week guessed 7lbs 7oz (WHOA!), 19-22in
Total Weight Gain: I've totally lost count at this point, but I think I'm right at 30
Clothes: Totally, unless you count the things I have bought that are just a bigger size and cut so a pregnant body can wear them...but I'm guessing this probably doesn't count.
Best Moment This Week:  Honestly the best moment this week was probably just having a day to rest.
Gender: Sweet baby boy, Samuel Hughes Oglesby.  Our little man will go by Hughes.
Movement: Still lots of movement, but Hughes has kind of run out of room so the movements are different than they were.  
Food Cravings: I've become very fond of Nutella, not that I would call it a craving, but it sure is yummy. 
What I miss:  I'm missing normal feet and ankles.  The swelling has set in and it's not very much fun.  It's actually kind of gross.
What I am looking forward to:  I am so looking forward to hold this precious life in my hands, and on a selfish note...I'm also kind of ready to not have to "share" my body. 
Belly Button: So it really isn't out, just flat :)  except on the occasion when you can feel baby parts right behind it!

Have a good daisy!

1 comment:

Haven said...

Belly looks great! Tree looks great! And think that next week at the time, you will no longer look this way! :) Catch you later!